Sunday, November 7, 2010

La Guaderia- where I sit and work today.

Performing is ... sort of my favorite thing to do. You know that Samuel Adams commercial where there is a guy, holding a beer... He's standing outside of a factory and talking about how much he loves his job? He says something to the effect that he hasnt felt like he's worked a Day of his life for the past twenty something years. Wouldn't that be Nice? I want to feel that way- and at this point, that's sort of the Opposite of how I feel. I work a lot. But the nice thing about my job is that it provides me with 4 days off, every week. The not-so-nice thing is that I have to work the other three days. Ive said this in "real life" before; when I go into the hospital to work- it's like I lose a day. You think about it and it's really true. I go in before the sun rises (or if Im lucky, just as it starts to), and I leave, usually after it sets. It's like I 'lost' a day.

Let me get back to the subject. I think I know what I want to do for the rest of my life. I want to sing and act and dance and perform... and teach other people to do it as well. Theatre is something that I truly Love.
I don't want to sound conceited. I wonder if I spelled that right... but there are many things that I do well. I know ofcourse that that has nothing to do with anything that I did or do. Ive been blessed with talents and one of them is a knack for picking things up along the way. Ironically, the things I like to do the best are the things that i Do the best. I enjoy being crafty and thinking... "you know what, I could make that." And then I just- do it.  And all of the things I can do make me happy. But the one that wins is the performing.

But how to pursue? hmm hmmmmmmm......

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A New Experience

I have heard of blogging.. Though, before now, I have not involved myself in the craze. I believe I may be ready to participate.  I may not be the most elloquent with my words- or have the most life-altering things to say. However, I do have some thoughts to share... with the internet world, I guess.

I suppose that a beneficial thing to do with my brand new blog is to share some information about myself. 

I live in the town where I was born. It is a wonderful, historical place. My city has a beautiful art district and plenty of theatre to attend.  We have the beach, but alas, no mountains. Let me be specific- We have a Real beach. Lakes can be lovely, but they don't give me the same feeling as I look out across them... When I stand on the beach closest to me, I feel as if I truly am on the Edge of America. What an astounding thought: To be at the very edge of - civilization... that if I walk even one foot forward, if I float for a time- as soon as my toes leave the sand, I am in "no man's land." As a child, I remember joking with my older brother that we could see England from where we were... "I can see it, can you?" "Ofcourse I can!" How silly. I'm sad to say that this summer is coming to an end. I have only had a handful of oppertunities to go out to the beach so far this year. What a shame.

I named this blog "A Chronic Case of Spring Fever." I am quite a restless individual. I believe I have always been this way. My mother tells me I was a whimsical child. I am a big planner BUT I get distracted. It's unfortunate really. I have never truly been able to answer that ridiculous question: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" There are so many things that I could do. I mean that... In my short life (in one month, I'll have lived for a mere 22 years), I have worked six years selling clothes. I have sung and sang and singed. I love to sing. At one point I was given a scholarship to study voice at Juilliard in NYC. I spent six weeks of the summer of 2005 in Manhattan- honing my craft, you might say. I wrote for a newspaper during an internship with a local paper. I have a career at a hospital. I have a knack for baking- I also love to cook. I love children and I love to teach. (I love to teach kids and adults.) My serious question is, Why? Why do I have to know Now, right this second, what I am going to be. It is such a difficult decision. I have (presumably) so much time left to figure it out. In the mean time, I feel as if I'm hopping from one decision to the next. Is this normal? Is it Really normal to know what you want to do for the rest of your life- when you are barely 2 decades old? I feel like I have plenty of time. I should be allowed to take my time and discover who I want to be. I have this enormous fear that I will just decide on what "they" Say I should do- then spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on an education for a career that I THINK I want... Then I get into that job and I end up Hating it. This is not something that I take lightly... Am I alone in this? I certainly hope not.
So when I say that I am restless... that I like to try to plan the course for my life... That I'm ready to get it started, I truly mean it. haha, I have Spring Fever-

perhaps... it will only be temporary. :)